1. Video game players’ demographics:
Source: Visual Capitalist Read full article
2. Podcast listeners’ demographics:
Source: Morning Consult Read full article
3. AI’s impact on society:
Source: @pewglobal Read full article
4. US presidents’ age when they took office:
Source: Statista
5. Election news sources:
Source: @MorningConsult Read full article
6. The “Hispanic vote”:
Source: Mehlman Castagnetti Rosen & Thomas
7. Policymakers taking scientific advice in dealing with COVID:
Source: The Economist Read full article
8. The pandemic’s impact vs. containment measures:
Source: The New York Times Read full article
9. The Black Friday experience:
Source: @CivicScience Read full article
10. Five spaceships parked at the International Space Station:
Source: @Space_Station Read full article