1. Working from home means working longer hours.
Source: @financialtimes Read full article
2. 23% of US workers want to keep working remotely.
Source: Gallup Read full article
3. Senate delegations by state:
Source: Pew Research Center Read full article
4. Foreign-born share of the House of Representatives:
Source: Pew Research Center Read full article
5. The US Congress, by religious affiliation:
Source: The Economist Read full article
6. US southwest border apprehensions:
Source: @johngramlich Read full article
7. OECD electricity production, by source:
Source: IEA
8. COVID vaccinations and deaths by age:
Source: @financialtimes Read full article
9. Share of financial assets by gender:
Source: @WSJ Read full article
10. Types of neural networks:
Source: The Asimov Institute