1. Binge drinking and marijuana use at US colleges:
Source: Michael Cembalest; J.P. Morgan Asset Management
2. The number of hours of physical exercise per week (globally):
Source: Ipsos
3. Views on getting a booster shot among those who are fully vaccinated:
Source: Ipsos Read full article
4. Americans’ plans for retirement:
Source: @SamRo, @OxfordEconomics Read full article
5. Telework by income group in 2020:
Source: Institute for Policy Studies Read full article
• Telework by educational attainment:
Source: Mortgage Bankers Association
6. Why workers haven’t unionized:
Source: @AmerCompass
7. Working multiple remote jobs:
Source: @CivicScience Read full article
8. Education spending as a share of GDP:
Source: Statista
9. Earth’s atmosphere in perspective:
Source: Visual Capitalist Read full article