1. Working from home means working longer hours:
Source: @business Read full article
2. Most popular video games:
Source: Metacritic
3. Spending on video games vs. books:
Source: @EconguyRosie
4. Lithium battery prices:
Source: Blackstone Resources
5. Senate campaign fundraising:
Source: @axios Read full article
6. Time it takes to vote vs. neighborhood’s income:
Source: @UpshotNYT Read full article
7. Sources of greenhouse gas emissions:
Source: @wef Read full article
8. Executions in the US:
Source: Chatr
9. Vaccination updates:
• Vaccinations by region:
Source: @sobata416 Read full article
• COVID cases vs. vaccinations:
Source: @financialtimes Read full article
• One- or two-dose vaccine?
Source: @YouGovAmerica Read full article
10. Super Bowl halftime performers:
Source: Morning Consult Read full article
Have a great weekend!